Friday 1 March 2013

I take this picture from hospital Likas..are u agree or disagree? so dangerous. let appreciate our health!! Everyday i take suplement which is elken products such as spirulina, celjoy and AOII. We need to maintain our healthy, so that we can pray for God blessing, work as well as do our hobbies.. I had joined climbing Kinabalu Mount end of last year. This is my second time but i really enjoy it. Thanks God because give me healthy mental and physical body.

So how does our body PH get out of balance?? By our high intake of meat, eggs and animal products which is containing acid-forming elements. A healthy body is slightly alkaline. It becomes acidic after middle age tan an unhealthy lifestle, stress, lack of exercise and of course, improper diet. As a first step, I took elken products as my daily supplement as you can see in the picture above. AOII for adding oxygen in our body, Elken Spirulina best for adding energy and CELJOY best for our bone

Last year in November 2012, I had joined my office club climbing Kinabalu  Mountain. Thanks God becauce giving me an excellent health on that time. What I want to share is we must always think that our healthy is our wealth..It is because everything no meaning to us even we have a lot of money, luxuries car and biggest house if we just take granted for our healthy.

So..why not we joined physical activity once a week. Above is my picture at UMS. That time I and my friends joined NESTLE Treasure Hunt Programme..

Please be aware with our environment especially  regarding food issues.


  1. interested....jgn pandang remeh dgn kesihatan diri....we must try juga other ELKEN....hihi

  2. yup..other healthy products also good.. It's depends on our trust, knowledge and budget...
